Pokemon Season 6 Episode 66

Pokemon: Season 6 Episode 66
Once I was check the
internet to find some old Pokemon episodes to torrent and I found one
called “Pokemon Season 6 Episode 66.” I thought this was some
troll bullshit, but I downloaded it anyway cause I'm an idiot like
that. Once finished downloading, I played the episode. It started out
like any other normal Pocket Man Adventure episode, and the episode's
title was called “The Cave.”
It started with Ash, Brock,
and Misty walking down the field talking about some stuff, until they
came across a cave. They went into the cave and used a torch that
they got out of nowhere to light the way. The torch went out, and I
heard them all scream. Ash woke up tied to a table, and Brock was
nowhere to be seen. Suddenly, a group of cannibals came out of
nowhere, which included Misty. Ash said “Whats going on?! Wheres
Brock?!” Misty replied “We already ate him!” The cannibals
closed in on Ash, and Misty said “I think I'll have some mashed
potatoes,” and proceeded to eat Ash's ballsack. Ash screamed in
pain as the cannibals tore him appart and ate him.
I shut off the video and
checked Twitter, I knew what I had to do. On twitter, there was a
roulet wheel and words that said “What the next Pokeman episode
would be about.” The wheel landed on the word “MEGA.” My eyes
went big, it had to be done. I made a conclusion that if the word
Pokemon was in the next Pokemon episode the world would go to chaos.
I turned on my TV and
started to watch the new Pokemon episode. It was a MS Paint Domo
being a weather reporter. I paused the TV, and it zoomed in on the
word Pokemon tatued onto the Domos chest. Suddenly, the sky went
black, and everyone around be turned into Zombies. I turned into a
rubber ball and bounced on the zombies.